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Managing a difficult employee can be hard

We understand that not every member of your team is going to be a stellar performer all of the time.

We also understand how hard it can be to manage a difficult employee.

Unfortunately, too many employers rush to performance manage or even dismiss a troublesome worker, and as a result, find themselves defending a costly and time consuming unfair dismissal claim in the Fair Work Commission.

How we can help

Our specialist team of Australian employment lawyers and advocates at Industrial Relations Claims has extensive experience helping employers manage under performing staff.

This can include:

  • putting the employee on a plan in place to get them back on track;
  • assisting with professional development; or
  • coming up with a smooth managed exit from the business where appropriate.

If you are having problems with under performing staff, don’t let it go on – and don’t risk a time consuming and costly unfair dismissal claim.

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